Grow and Safeguard Your Wealth

Beyond value preservation

Are you looking to secure your financial future with investments that not only grow your wealth but also safeguard it? I’m here to tell you that it’s not just possible; it’s my expertise. As an experienced Investment Manager, I have a track record of turning smart investment decisions into lasting financial success. Allow me to guide you on a journey to financial prosperity, where your goals and peace of mind come first.

Investment Manager

Who am I?

Hi, I’m Mabbast, and I’ve spent 14 years specializing in the methods of value investing. As a seasoned Investment Manager with a passion for uncovering undervalued opportunities, I’ve navigated various financial landscapes, putting my clients’ financial success first. My journey in this field has equipped me with the knowledge and experience to help you achieve your financial goals through the power of value investing. My commitment is to leverage my skills and experience to safe-guard and grow your capital that you entrust with me.

I hold a BSc Business Studies degree from Cass Business School, in London, UK. With my thesis focusing on the critical topic of how debt financing heightens the risk for businesses and investors alike. Through rigorous analysis and empirical research, my findings underscored the inherent challenges posed by debt obligations, particularly in economic downturns, where the burden of interest and principal payments can strain corporate resources and exacerbate financial distress.

Over the course of 14 years I worked for GE and ABB in Finance, Auditing, Commercial Operations, and Treasury in 7 countries. Collectively, these experiences have shaped me into a seasoned business assessor, adept at evaluating investment opportunities through the lens of a shareholder. Leveraging my direct business experience, I approach investment analysis with a focus on fundamental factors such as cash flow generation, competitive positioning, and management quality, seeking to identify undervalued opportunities with long-term growth potential.

Throughout my professional journey, I’ve seamlessly integrated my passion for finance and investing into my personal life by successfully managing a growing investment portfolio for family and relatives. Guided by the timeless principles of value investing pioneered by Benjamin Graham, I’ve applied a disciplined approach to wealth management, consistently seeking out undervalued assets and crafting strategic investment plans to capitalize on market inefficiencies.

My Investment Philosophy

At the core of my investment philosophy lies a deep commitment to the principles of value investing, as first elucidated by Benjamin Graham in his seminal work, “The Intelligent Investor.” Drawing inspiration from Graham’s timeless wisdom, I adhere to the belief that successful investing requires a patient and disciplined approach, focusing on the intrinsic value of a company rather than short-term market fluctuations. Central to this philosophy is the understanding that when you buy a share of a public company, you are not merely purchasing a piece of paper but acquiring ownership in a tangible business with underlying assets, earnings, and growth potential. By conducting thorough fundamental analysis and seeking out undervalued opportunities, I aim to identify businesses trading at a discount to their intrinsic value, thereby minimizing downside risk while maximizing long-term returns for my clients. Through diligent research, prudent risk management, and a steadfast commitment to value, I strive to build portfolios that withstand the test of time and deliver sustainable wealth creation for my investors.

Long-Term Focus

My primary belief is that long-term investment horizons are essential for achieving financial success. I aim to compound wealth over time, taking advantage of market growth while remaining resilient in the face of market fluctuations. I ask typically to assess our investments in 3 year windows.

Value Investing

Value investing forms the cornerstone of my strategy. I seek opportunities in undervalued assets, scrutinizing fundamentals to identify stocks, or other financial instruments with growth potential and safety margins. By buying assets below their intrinsic value, I aim to reduce risk and enhance returns.

In-Depth Research

I am committed to thorough research and analysis. This includes examining financial statements, studying market trends, and conducting due diligence on potential investments. My decisions are driven by data and informed insights. I look for stocks in mainly US and European markets.

Risk Management

Preserving capital is paramount. I subscribe to the school of thought that risk is not defined by volatility but rather by the risk of permanent capital loss. I employ a custom margin of safety based on uncertainty and continuous research and due diligence to the investment portfolio.

Responsible Investing

Ethical considerations are integral to my approach. I stay away from businesses involved in alcohol, tobacco, and defense. This does not eliminate the odd occasions were a business has indirect dealings in these industries. Additionally, I do not invest in investment opportunities that arise from evident misconducts.

Discipline and Patience

Discipline and patience are virtues in the world of investing. I remain steadfast in adhering to my investment philosophy, avoiding impulsive decisions, and allowing time for investments to grow. I ask the same level of patience from my clients.


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